As we enter the new year, I want to challenge each of you to do some things which I can assure some, if not all of you will find rather silly, but please stay with me. I am almost as sure that you will be glad that you did as I am that you will think some of them are silly.
Each step is a process of remembering the good of the last year, leaving the past behind, and preparing ourselves to receive all that the Lord has for us in the new year. So, here we go –
THANK – Stop and take a few minutes to remember the blessings and good things that have been a part of your life over the last year. Write them down and then “THANK” the Lord for each of them. Psalms 105:1
SHAKE – Similarly, take a few minutes to consider the pain, and disappointments of the last year. Do not write them down. Now, with that in mind, I want you to imagine all those things are dust and dirt. Now, stand up where you are and shake your arms, your torso, your legs and shake all of that dust and dirt off. LET GO of all that pain and disappointment and any other negative thoughts and feelings from the last year. Leave it all there. 1 Peter 5:7, Psalms 55:22
Having resolved the past year, we look forward to the new one.
LAY – Next we take just the opposite position. Find a spot, and lay prostrate on the floor and worship. In doing so, we also offer our bodies, minds, and hearts – our ALL to the Lord as his instrument. Romans 12:1-2, Revelation 4:10
PRAY – Now with your life fully surrendered, open your heart to the Lord and make a list of what you want to see happen in your life for the next year. Now, pray and ask Him for those things believing He will answer. James 4:2, Matthew 7:7
TAKE – While still in an attitude of prayer, start declaring that you have received what you are asking for. Praise and thank the Lord for His goodness and faithfulness. Mark 11:24,
Again, my dear friends, I challenge you to set aside some time in these first few days of the year to walk through these steps as a way of preparing yourself for what the Lord has in store for you. The joy of these steps is while they are especially fitting for the change from one year to the next, they can actually be utilized at any time one would choose to use them. For that matter some may choose to practice these steps on a daily basis.
I hope and pray that the Lord blesses and draws you closer to himself and his plans and purpose for your life through this process.
May you be blessed when you come in and blessed when you go out.
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