Battle Won, but the War Isn’t Over
Preface: This message is more a word from my heart and while I reference sone scriptures, it is not a study or devotion based on them like I usually share. […]
God, You’re Worth It
Everything I have,All that I am,God, you’re worth it. Because of Your Son,All that you’ve done,God, you’re worth it. He died for meTo set me freeGod, you’re worth it. His […]
You Are My Everything
. Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord God Almighty. Holy, holy, holy is the King of Kings. You are my Everything. To you alone do I lift my voice, you […]
This Is How You Should Pray
Are you like me and more times than not when you are in your personal prayer time you find yourself lost and not knowing how to pray or what fo […]
A new, but very dear brother in the Kingdom is a “Communicator.” He happened to be speaking close enough to me that I went to see him speak last night. […]
Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem
The world and specifically the Middle East being as it is at this point in history, now as much if not more than ever is the time for the Body of Christ to stand at the side of our brothers and sisters in Israel as they fight a war for their very existence. Below are…
Jewish tradition holds that the soul hovers near the body and mourning for 3 days as it is believed within the 3 days the Soul could reenter the body and […]