Battle Won, but the War Isn’t Over

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Preface: This message is more a word from my heart and while I reference sone scriptures, it is not a study or devotion based on them like I usually share. This is just what I am sensing and feeling in this day and hour. I hope and pray that you will have an open ear and heart as you read. While we have hope as a result of the elections, our work is just getting started.

Here I sit on Election Night 2024, at this moment just short of 8:30 PM CST, the numbers and votes are coming in, and at the moment the momentum seems to be building towards the election of former President Trump as President and many other Republican in the House and Senate. This would hold to the prayers and expectations of many believers. So, it would seem that we have reason to have hope for a positive outcome in this election cycle. Yet, as I sit here, I am reminded that while We can have hope in our government and leaders, but we cannot put our hope solely there, for we know that our only True hope comes only from the Lord. (PS 39:7, PS 149:5, PS 33:18, PS 25:2, I Thess 2:19, Matt 12:21)

Well, it is now Wednesday morning and I as wake up and check the election results – Donald Trump has indeed won the presidential election,  the Republicans have won a majority in the Senate and are gaining additional seats in the House.  Yet again, very positive and encouraging news. However, our work as believers is not yet done.  I dare say it is just getting started. I am with you, I want celebrate and reveal in this victory.  There is a very real temptation to take this victory and let out guard down. With these elections we have won a great moral and political victory, yet there are still many more battles to be fought.

Our battle is NOT against flesh and blood. Our battle is for the hearts and souls of our family members, friends, and neighbors. We must remember that this battle is very REAL, yet much like the wind. We can see the effects and impact of the battle, but the battle itself can not be.

We MUST continue to stand and fight, me MUST continue to stand and pull down EVERYTHING that would resist and stand in the way of the Father’s PERFECT will in our lives, the lives of our loved ones, in our communities,  country, and ultimately our world.

One very important and necessary part of this process and battle is asking Him to search our hearts and being honest with ourselves and with Him, regarding our own sins and failings and then repenting for them.

This is just the first battle we must fight. The second maybe even harder to fight. It is not a
hidden and unseen fight.

We MUST be bold and courageous and take a moral and righteous stand against those things that do not align with Biblical values.  We must let our voices be heard even If we face persecution for doing so. We must make the choice and act on it we cannot serve God and live a life of aparhy and compromise.  While we walk in grace and love, we must stand up for TRUTH.

Finally, we cannot keep silent, we must continue to call out to the Lord and seek His face for REVIVAL to come to our communities, regions, and ultimately to our entire country.
Yet, once again, the very same revival MUST start within each one of us. Each one of us individually and corporately as “The Body” MUST fully put our faith and HOPE solely on The Lord and lean and trust not in our own understanding and strength.

So, my question and challenge for you this day – Will you have eyes to see and ears to hear the call of the Lord of Host?
Will you take up the Full Armor of God and take a stand and having done ALL to stand KEEP standing in the unseen fight?

Will you take a stand for the lives of this and future generations in the real and practical world, by letting your voice be heard when it comes to policies and practices in conflict with the Word of Truth?

If your answer to these questions is “Yes”, then please click the link HERE and share a little contact information so we can stay in touch with you. Also, please consider joining the Revival Watch Facebook group by clicking HERE.

I look forward to hearing from you!